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The Project to Assess Climate in Engineering (PACE) was a long-term, multi-site research project looking at climate in undergraduate engineering programs with a focus on persistence and retention.


The project involved both qualitative and quantitative research, including interviews, focus groups, and a climate survey.  The PACE team and PACE schools worked together to implement changes to make engineering programs more welcoming and inclusive for undergraduate students.


The climate survey was administered in 2008 and again in 2012 resulting in two data sets with samples of over 10,000 engineering undergraduate students from 16 to 22 schools. The PACE Schools used these results to implement new programs and initiatives aimed to improve climate and create a more inclusive environment, especially for gender and ethnic minority students. PACE interview and focus group data helped bolster findings and created more nuanced and contextualized results to be used by schools and the engineering education research community. The focus groups aimed to better understand the impact of interventions in undergraduate engineering. PACE results have been featured in various journal articles, professional presentations, newsletters, and magazines.

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College Success Foundation provides a unique integrated system of supports and scholarships to inspire underserved, low-income students to finish high school, graduate from college and succeed in life.


The Incentives Task Force Research Project was a qualitative research project focused on identifying promising incentive & performance-based scholarship practices that  support low-income youth. The project involved a review of relevant literature, interviews with program and policy experts and findings synthesized in four report briefs to inform Incentives Task Force strategic planning.

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Network National Training Network (NTN) is a math professional development company, that specializes in providing on-going and embedded professional development and coaching services to mathematics teachers. Professional development is tailored to meet individual school needs through a thorough qualitative and quantitative analysis of each schools data.


This qualitative case study focused on understanding the implementation of Algebraic Thinking, a mathematics curriculum program, in Federal Way Public Schools.

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Treehouse provides opportunities and support to foster kids to help them pursue their dreams and launch successfully into adulthood.


Subcontracted with Research for Quality Schools (evaluation consulting firm) on this qualitative research project focused on identifying best practices in foster youth education services through interviews with experts in the field.

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The Washington Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (WACTE)  provides leadership on issues related to professional education, with a primary focus on teacher education. This is done through activities which: a) promote effective public policy regarding professional education, b) enhance and improve professional education programs at member institutions, c) enhance the professional effectiveness of members, and d) promote equity, diversity, and inclusion within the professional education community.


This project involved synthesizing and summarizing  statewide STEM education and preparation program efforts to increase the recruitment of math & science teachers and improve the quality of preparation programs.


The Center for the Study of Teaching & Policy, housed in University of Washington College of Education, investigates efforts to improve the quality of teaching and learning, the teacher workforce, and the systems of support for teachers’ work, in various contexts and at multiple levels of the K-12 educational system. To that end, Center researchers identify ways that policy actions, leadership, and reform efforts guide, direct, and support teaching and learning, thereby informing and enhancing the quality of learning opportunities in U.S. elementary and secondary schools.        


The Study of Leadership for Learning Improvement, funded by The Wallace Foundation, was a national, multi-site, mixed-methods research project focused on learning-focused leadership practices at the school and district level. This collaborative three-year project began with the research design process and culminated with the dissemination of findings through numerous conference presentations, publications in peer-reviewed journals and a book.

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The East Bay Community Foundation partners with donors, social movements, and the community to eliminate structural barriers, advance racial equity, and transform political, social, and economic outcomes for all who call the East Bay home.    


The Community Engagement Project involved a synthesis of stakeholder input at community engagement sessions conducted by The Oakland Unified School District and the East Bay Community Foundation. A summary report of the input was generated for foundation, district, and organization professionals.

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